Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance (HKTEA)

Strategic and Action Plan (3rd Plan) for October 2024 to September 2027

Date: 6 January 2025

I. Background and Planning Context

Initiated and funded by the UGC, the Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance (HKTEA) was established to bring together all UGC Teaching Award Fellows to collectively make a sustained impact by promoting teaching excellence in and beyond the UGC sector.

An initial Strategic and Action Plan (the “1st Plan”; https://hktea.edu.hk/index.php/about-hktea/strategic-and-action-plan/) was formulated to guide the development of the HKTEA from October 2019 to September 2021. The plan was prepared by the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), which was established in February 2019 for that purpose. An Executive Committee (ExCom) was established upon the formal launch of the HKTEA on October 10, 2019 to succeed the PrepCom and take the lead in implementing the 1st Plan.

The second term of office of the HKTEA ExCom commenced on September 28, 2021, with a planned duration of three years. The ExCom formulated the second Strategic and Action Plan (2nd Plan) for the HKTEA to steer its development from October 2021 to September 2024.

As the maximum duration of office of ExCom members is six years, the first Chair of HKTEA, Prof Isabella Poon (CUHK), stepped down from office after serving one year on the PrepCom and five on the ExCom, and Dr Julia Chen (PolyU) was invited to take up the chairpersonship. Since one other member of the ExCom resigned due to personal reasons, it was agreed that a new ExCom member would be invited to work alongside the two ExCom members who are continuing on their second term and the new Chair. UGC Chairman, Mr Tim Lui, announced the transition of chairpersonship at the UGC Teaching Award Presentation Ceremony on 7 October 2024, and the new Chair introduced the new ExCom on the same occasion. Members of the new ExCom come from four of the eight UGC-funded universities: Julia Chen (PolyU, Chair), SC Kong (EdUHK), Tim Woo (HKUST), and Lik Hang Tsui (CityUHK).

Building on the success and experience of implementing the 1st and 2nd Plans, the new ExCom proposes the third Strategic and Action Plan (3rd Plan) as follows.


II. Vision

To be a vibrant and impactful community with UGC Teaching Award Fellows as core members who collectively make a sustained impact in promoting teaching excellence and enhancing student learning in the UGC sector and beyond.


III. Mission

To promote best teaching practices, nurture academic leaders who have the capability and commitment to enhance teaching and learning, and foster a culture of recognising good teaching in the UGC sector.


IV. Strategy and Action Items

Strategy 1: To build the HKTEA brand name through signature activities benefitting a large number of members and teachers

1.1 To promote teaching excellence via activities organised or conducted by UGC Teaching Award recipients cum ambassadors of good teaching, and close collaboration with teaching development centres of universities

1.2 To enrich the UGC Teaching Ambassadors Series by engaging finalists to share their good practices

1.3 To organise torch-passing activities (congratulatory e-cards, pin presentations)

1.4 To organise activities with non-UGC and international speakers

1.5 To expand membership and enhance the visibility of HKTEA by introducing a second category of membership (without affecting the prestige of the core membership category) for staff nominated for the UGC Teaching Excellence Award by the UGC-funded universities although they were passed over in the finalists shortlisting stage

1.6 To organise activities that welcomes participation from the non-UGC sector

1.7 To promote Hong Kong to the world as a dynamic, international hub for quality post-secondary education

1.8 To enhance the HKTEA website

Measures of Success:

  • The number of sharing activities organised
  • The total number of participants in the sharing activities
  • The quality of the sharing activities as reflected in feedback from participants
  • The continuation of torch-passing activities
  • The number of / increase in activities with international speakers
  • Establishment of a second category of membership and its numbers
  • The number of activities that include participants from the non-UGC sector and the number of attendees from the non-UGC sector
  • The number of activities that promote the HK tertiary sector to the world
  • Website enhancement


Strategy 2: To work hand-in-hand with the UGC and UGC-funded universities to find synergies in promoting teaching excellence

2.1 To work with UGC in playing a more prominent role in conveying to the world the dedication and commitment Hong Kong has in sustaining the high quality of post-secondary education

2.2 To enhance the production of case studies by UGC Teaching Award recipients as professional development resources

2.3 To undertake activities that can increase the impact of UGC initiatives (e.g. sharing of UGC-funded projects)

2.4 To work closely with the UGC/QAC Secretariat to maintain a robust feedback mechanism for teaching, learning and related issues, including a holistic and sector-wide approach to discussing quality enhancement in view of the outcomes of the Third Audit Cycle of the Quality Assurance Council, such as recurrent themes that emerged

2.5 To visit UGC-funded universities to discuss ways to promote teaching excellence together

2.6 To publish examples of members’ teaching excellence via publications

Measures of Success:

  • The number of activities engaged with the UGC Secretariat that promote Hong Kong as a high quality post-secondary education hub to the world
  • The annual production of case studies
  • The number of activities organised, including those related to outcomes of the Third Audit Cycle
  • The total number of participants in the activities
  • The quality of the activities as reflected in feedback from participants
  • Visits made to UGC-funded universities
  • Publication of members’ teaching excellence examples


Strategy 3: To build capacity for sustainable impact by engaging a group of active members and committed teachers, and to enhance their interactions and professionalism

3.1 To continue and expand the two established CoPs

3.2 To establish new CoPs

3.3 To organise brainstorm gatherings for core members

3.4 To co-host events that promote teaching excellence with reputable parties, such as tertiary institutions, reputable conference organisers and education organisations

Measures of Success:

  • The number of activities organised by the CoPs
  • The quality of activities organised by the CoPs as reflected in feedback from participants
  • The use of ideas gathered from brainstorm meetings with core members
  • The number of events co-hosted with external parties
Strategy 4: To embrace an evidence-based, self-reflective and pragmatic approach to planning future development

4.1 To launch and implement the 3rd Strategic and Action Plan with reference to feedback collected in the last few years

4.2 To conduct periodic self-reflections at the ExCom and compile evidence-based annual reports

4.3 To explore the feasibility and suitability of enhancing the inclusiveness of membership

4.4 To invite CoPs to submit annual plans and annual reports that include the use of evidence-based evaluation and reflection for future planning, which can in turn facilitate some strategic coordination of CoP activities (such as sharing of good practices) throughout the year

4.5 To align CoP cycles with the HKTEA budgetary or operational cycle to facilitate HKTEA’s annual planning process and reporting of completed activities and future plans at the annual Gala Dinner

Measures of Success:

  • The progress and successful implementation of the 3rd Plan
  • The quality of planning and development as evidenced by the annual reports and satisfaction of stakeholders
  • Outcomes of exploration of potential enhancement of the inclusiveness of membership
  • Quality of CoP plans and reports
  • Consistent administrative procedures as a pragmatic approach for future planning