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Professor Marilee Bresciani LUDVIK, PhD

Associate Provost and Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness,
Loyola University Chicago

Marilee Bresciani Ludvik, Ph.D. serves as Associate Provost and Director of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness at Loyola University Chicago.  Formerly, she served as chair and professor of the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies department at the University of Texas Arlington.  Prior to that, she served as professor of postsecondary educationalleadership at San Diego State University, Assistant Vice President of Institutional Assessment at Texas A&M Universityand in a variety of student affairs, academic affairs, and alumni relations leadership roles at various types of institutions.  Bresciani Ludvik also served as a Faculty Fellow within the  Office of Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation as well as the Office of Analytic Studies and Institutional Research at San Diego State where she assisted in connecting student learning and development outcomes to equity performance indicators in a manner that can inform improvements in-class, out-of-class, and program design and delivery.

Marilee has written 13 books, published over 200 scholarly articles, and empowered over 200 institutions and theirleaders on organizational learning assessment and accountability decision-making processes.  In addition, Marilee assistsorganizational leaders identify and leverage opportunities to collaborate across division lines, using mindfulness-basedinquiry practices, nonviolent communication, difficult conversation practices, paradigm busting processes, compassionpractices, restorative justice, and design thinking.

Marilee is a certified meditation and yoga instructor, certified Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute teacher (the program developed at Google), and a Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher on the certification path. Marilee is also a certified transformational life coach who uses the evocative method.

Dr. Bresciani Ludvik co-directs the Intrapersonal Competency Cultivation Research Team that seeks to leverage student’s first-person experience to close equity gaps through the cultivation of malleable skills known to significantly predict student success.  Marilee’s research specifically focuses on applying social and emotional neuroscience and mindfulcompassion inquiry practices to inform the design and evaluation of workshops, curriculum, and coaching to decreasestudents’, faculty, and administrators’ stress and anxiety while also increasing their attention and emotion regulation,cognitive flexibility, and enhancing compassion towards self and other.

Dr. Bresciani Ludvik’s work has been honored with awards such as the ACPA-College Student Educators International’s Contribution to Knowledge Award in 2022, the International Association for Student Personnel Pillar of the Profession Award in 2012, the International Association for Student Personnel George Kuh Award for Outstanding Contribution to Literature/Research in Higher Education in 2013, the American College Personnel Administrators Diamond Honoree in 2016, the UNESCO/MGIEP Senior Research Fellow in 2017, and the International Association for Student Personnel Robert H. Shaffer Award for Academic Excellence as a Graduate Faculty Member in 2019. She has also recently been inducted into the University of Texas Arlington National Academy of Inventors.

The Role of Emotion Regulation Training in Student Learning


Research has been emerging about the importance of instructor “presence” in the classroom – albeit online or face-to-face.  The quality of teaching presence can help students regulate their emotions when they feel stressed or overwhelmed by experiences within and/or outside of the “classroom.”  Further, we are learning more about how to regulate our own emotions as instructors while also cultivating emotion regulation micro-skills in our students.  This is growing in importance given heightening levels of stress and emotional dysregulation in students of all ages.

This highly interactive session will briefly present the research that supports these arguments.  The session will define what emotion regulation is and will center its premise in sound pedagogical approaches.  In addition, the session will introduce instructors to brief emotion regulation skill-building exercises that can be embedded into  course.  Instructors can also leverage these mini skill building exercises to cultivate teaching presence within themselves, thus further fostering their students’ emotion regulation skills.


Professor Poon Wai-yin, JP

Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President (Education)
Wei Lun Professor of Statistics

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Chair, Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Alliance


This event is organized by HKTEA.